Gaisbergrennen 2019 hellbrunn gaisbergrennen hangar7 gaisbergrennen residenzplatz


Gaisbergrennen 2021 CANCELLED

The „Gaisberg Race for Historic Cars“ is cancelled in 2021.It is organised according to the rules of regularity (TSD) racing.

The event consists of the following competition stages:

City Grand Prix: 1 stage
Salzburgring race circuit: 1 stage
Gaisberg: 3 stages
“Gaisberg Wertungsfahrt” regularity run approx. 150km

Speed can be chosen at will for the Salzburgring race circuit (reference lap). On the Gaisberg stage the set time must not be undercut (average 50 km/h). The rules for the City Grand Prix stage and the Gaisberg run will be provided with the regulations for implementation. The winners are determined by adding the results achieved on each stage. The winner is the driver/team whose time deviates the least.

Gaisbergrennen 2017

Admission requirements

Admission is granted to all historically significant automobiles, pre-war cars, Touring Cars, Sport Cars GT Cars and Racing and single seater cars built on or before 31.12.1969. Additionally, there is a class for cars of historical or sporting significance built on or before 31.12.1979. Racing cars/single seater do not require approval for road use, but the organiser must be informed of their status!

Gaisbergrennen 2017


Touring cars
Class 1 : before on 31.12.1945
Class 2 : 01.01.1946 – 31.12.1969

Sport/GT cars
Class 1 : before on 31.12.1945
Class 2 : 01.01.1946 – 31.12.1969

Racing cars
Class 1 : before on 31.12.1945
Class 2 : 01.01.1946 – 31.12.1969

Cars of historical or sporting significance
Class 2 : 01.01.1970 – 31.12.1979

Gaisbergrennen 2017

Entries, Entry form, Entry deadline

The entry form must be filled in correctly and completely, and be returned to the organiser: S.R.C., Friedensstraße 11, A-5020 Salzburg before the entry deadline of 1st March 2021. Entries will only be accepted when the entry fee has been transferred (please provide documentary proof), or delivered as a cheque. Please include an up-to-date colour photo of the automobile – or send
this by e-mail. Incomplete entry forms cannot be considered and will be returned. Only entries sent by post will be considered valid!

Bank details: Raiffeisenkasse Leopoldskron, Moosstraße 13, A-5020 Salzburg
Account no. 08142861, sort code 35140
IBAN: AT28 3500 0000 0814 2861, BIC/Swift Code: RVSAAT2S

Participation is subject to invitation by the organiser according to the above-listed admission requirements. The total number of vehicles permitted is 160. The organiser reserves the right to select entrants from the pool of entries. If an accepted applicat has to be rejected, the entry fee will be returned. Entry confirmation phase begins 18th March 2021.

Entry fee

The entry fee for one automobile and two people:
€ 2,300.–

See entry form for additional services.

Fee includes the following:
• Administrative and technical inspection
• Start numbers
• Honorary and non-cash prizes
• Competitor memento
• Participation in the Gaisberg regularity stages
• Roadbook for the Gaisberg Wertungsfahrt regularity run
• Catering during the event
• Thursday: Welcome brunch, evening dinner
• Friday: Lunch, evening dinner
• Saturday: Lunch, awards ceremony – evening dinner
• Drinks are included during lunch and evening dinner.
• Shuttle transfer from partner hotels to the evening events

Optional extras: Arrival on Wednesday, 20th May 2021, and participation in the Wednesday evening
‘Pre-Opening’  (see entry form). For organisational reasons it is not possible to place subsequent bookings.

Entry Form


We have selected three partner hotels. Please make your final choice and submit a booking. Special room prices have been negotiated for Gaisbergrennen entrants with our partner hotels and can be claimed in combination with the codeword: Gaisbergrennen 2021.

Hotel Gersbergalm
Gersberg 37, A-5020 Salzburg
Tel.: +43-(0)662-641257, Fax: +43-(0)662-644278

Amadeo Hotel Schaffenrath
Alpenstrasse 115–117, A-5020 Salzburg
Tel. +43 (0) 662 63900-0, Fax +43 (0) 662 63900-5

Please make sure you reserve your hotel accommodation in advance, since we have not booked any rooms on your behalf! We have agreed with the selected partner hotels that until an entry has been confirmed, no cancellation fees will be charged for your hotel reservation.


If, after an entry has been confirmed, a cancellation is submitted – up until the 15th April 2021 – regardless of the reason, 50% of the entry fee will be retained by the organisers. For cancellations received after the 15th April 2021, the entire entry fee will be retained.
All cancellations must be submitted in writing.

If the organizer cancels for legal reasons, the entry fee will be refunded in full.

Exclusion of liability

On submission of the entry, the driver and co-driver irrevocably waive all legal claims, regardless of legal basis, related to injuries or damages of any kind that occur as a direct or indirect result of the event. In particular, this waiver shall apply to claims against:

  • the organiser, the staff of the organiser, helpers, owners of land, authorities, assistants, and all other
    individuals involved with the organisation of the event, and
  • the other participants, their helpers; the owners and holders of other automobiles, the actual submitter of the application, the driver, co-driver, passengers and helpers.

The driver and co-driver are obliged to indemnify SRC against all claims for legal or financial compensation if a third-party lodges a claim against the organiser or the authorities for damage or injury suffered during the event, caused by the driver, co-driver, cars or others involved in the event – whether accidentally or intentionally. This applies in particular to any claims resulting from third-party regressions due to contractually agreed duties or statutory obligations to provide compensation. Each entrant must ensure that his/her automobile is subject to valid and sufficient third-party liability insurance coverage for the entire duration of the event.

Gaisbergrennen 2017

Technical inspection

The technical inspections are conducted at Schloß Hellbrunn. All entrants are obliged to bring valid documents for their automobiles. Race numbers are only distributed when the inspection of the respective automobile has been completed.

Method of evaluation

The deviation from the prescribed target time is measured in hundredths of a second. 1 penalty point is awarded for every 100th of a second by which the target time is exceeded or undercut.

The ‚City Grand Prix of Salzburg‘


A circuit of approximately 1.8 km will be closed to road traffic in the historical part of Salzburg! Every participant must complete 5 laps. The details will be announced with the implementation guidelines.

The ‘Salzburgring race circuit’

Length: 4,255 m, 6 x right-hand bends, 6 left-hand bends, length of the start/finish straight: 750 m. The details will be announced with the implementation guidelines.

The ‘Gaisberg’ mountain stages

Three stage runs
Course length: 8,652 metres
Cumulative elevation gain: 672 metres

The ‘Gaisberg Wertungsfahrt’ regularity run

The long-distance stage is conducted as a regularity rally (TSD) over a distance of 150 km and includes a coffee break. The exact mode for the run will be announced with the implementation guidelines.

Drei Wertungsläufe Streckenlänge: 8652 Meter Höhenunterschied 672 Meter

Safety regulations

Participation at the Salzburgring circuit is subject to the obligation to wear a helmet in open cars at all times! For safety reasons the general wearing of helmets is recommended for all participants. The transportation of children in competition-registered automobiles is prohibited for the entire duration of the event. The transportation of a child as a passenger is subject to the provisions of Austrian traffic laws.

Gaisbergrennen 2017

Automobile equipment

Only mechanical clocks and dials are permitted, with analogue displays, printed/painted numbers/numerals, physical hands and drag indicators. Hence, gauges and dials with digital displays are prohibited. Only completely mechanical tripmaster can be permitted. Furthermore, all kinds of radio signal timepieces are forbidden – even if they have analogue displays. All digital forms of assistance are prohibited – except in the class for automobiles of historical or sporting significance – in which digital tripmasters are allowed!

Gaisbergrennen 2017

Award ceremony, prizes and trophies

The award ceremony is to be held on Saturday 23rd May 2020 at Hangar-7. Doors open at 19:00 and the ceremony begins at 20:00. Participants are requested to dress accordingly. Prizes are awarded to the finishers placed 1st – 3rd in their respective classes. There is also a special ladies’ award and ultimately the overall winner of the Gaisbergrennen is honoured. Participants in the class for historically or sportingly significant automobiles cannot be considered in the evaluation of the overall results of the Gaisbergrennen.

siegerehrung 2018